Your input is important to us. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from our clients:

I just upsoluted my car yesterday. I like it so far will post again later on any updates. Rene, I'm Jason the one who Mace Ward sent you my ec. I'll keep in touch with you if that's o.k.
Date of Posting: 20 July 2001
Posted By: jason
knoxville, tn U.S.A.
Hertzlichen dank, Evry Schuiling Upsolute Holland, Mein VW T4 TDI, vorher 88 Ps, ist deutlich kraftiger und braucht weniger Kraftstoff wenn ich ruhig fahre (1:15).
Date of Posting: 17 July 2001
Posted By: G. Heijmans
Bemmel, Holland
Hallo Chiptronics, ich hab mir gestern Golf IV PD 115 tunen lassen. Seit dem bekomme ich das grinsen nicht mehr aus meinem Gesicht! Vielen Dank ich werde Euch bestimmt weiterempfehlen!
Date of Posting: 13 July 2001
Posted By: Mario
Baden, NOE Österreich
Recently had my 2001 Jetta TDI chipped by Garrett. I couldn't be happier. Thanks a lot fellas !!!!
Date of Posting: 02 July 2001
Posted By: Matt Herrbold
Neenah, WI USA
WOW! What a difference! I was lucky enough to meet Renee at Roswell this year, and he chipped my 2001 Beetle 1.8 Turbo. It is a lot of fun seeing the look on the faces of some of the Boxster owners that I have been taking" off the line and in traffic. What was VW thinking when they decided to sell these cars without giving then their full potential of power?

I salute you Renee, and Upsolute. Got any other goodies I can't live without? See you in Roswell next year,

Frank "
Date of Posting: 26 June 2001
Posted By: Frank
Long BEach, CA USA
As 1 of the 17 group board members at the May GTI International I had my 1998 VW Passat 1.8T Sport chipped.

I've now done 4000 Miles since the rechip and still have nothing but praise for UPsolute,it's absolutley fantastic.I only wish i'd had it chipped a long time ago.

Thanks again to Alex,Ali and Ossi for all your help
(now saving up for a K04 turbo with Upsolute software)

Date of Posting: 24 June 2001
Posted By: Andy Gibson
Redditch, Worcs U.K
Ich habe heute das getunte" Steuergerät in meinen Fabia TDI eingebaut.
Das Ergebnis ist einfach genial. Das Auto ging vorher schon gut. Doch
jetzt ist es der pure Wahnsinn. Zum Glück hat der Fabia Antischlupf-Regelung,
sonst hätte man Mühe, diese Kraft auf die Straße zu bringen.

Nochmals herzlichen Dank !!!!
Date of Posting: 16 June 2001
Posted By: Thomas Wallat
je suis tres content de votre puce que j'ai fait installer en angleterre, il y a environ 1 mois sur mon vehicule: une GOLF III TDI 110PS(avant). je vous ferai pas mal de publicite en france car je sais que vous n'avez pas de distributeur dans mon pays.
Date of Posting: 07 June 2001
Posted By: mathias
paris, france france
Absolutely nothing but favorable words, here! Got my NewBeetle 1.8T chipped yesterday and I've been grinning ever since! GREAT performance!
Date of Posting: 20 May 2001
Posted By: Bob
Detroit, MI USA
After changing chips, my car got very powerfull and torquefull. On highway, I have not been overtaken by other cars. I changed chips by myself, with great help from an Upsolute staff. It was another excitement that I did it by myself. Thank you for your excellent and kind co-operation.
Date of Posting: 18 May 2001
Posted By: Masaaki Oishi
Sakai, Osaka Japan
One of the 17 Upsolute Board members who were chipped in May 2001 at the GTI International.

I have to say that this chip has to be the best upgrade you can give a car.Worth every penny. Mines a 1995 Passat TDI 90bhp. The increase in power and torque makes the car even more pleasurable to drive and the return up north after the event could have been three times as far and I wouldn't have minded one bit. The acceleration throughout the gears is fantastic especially in second and third. The response in fifth,in the 3rd lane of the motorway,when someone pulls over is very good,pulling strongly out of the 70 - 80mph zone. Fuel economy appears to be the same so far too.

I was a bit apprehensive about the ECU removal but shouldn't have been. It's a very basic operation on the B4 Passat and anyone could manage it in 10- 15 mins with a 10 mil spanner, long flatheaded screwdriver and a phillips screwdriver. If anyone requires info give me an email. If I had known how easy it was to remove and how much difference the chip made, the ECU would have been in the post a long, long time ago.

Thankyou very much Alex,Ali and Ossi for your efforts on the day and for the smile that spreads across my face each time I drive my Upsoluted TDI. Your good,honest guys with a great product and deserve all the success that is coming your way.

Thanks again, and again, and again....

best wishes.

Date of Posting: 17 May 2001
Posted By: coddy
Fleetwood, Lancs UK
I had my Gti turbo chipped by Upsolute on Saturday and absolutley love it. It has made the car more drivable and a lot, lot more fun. The amount of torque now available at 3000rpm is unreal. I haven't been able to find a down side - more fun to drive, engine is as smooth as before, no increase in fuel consumption when cruising.This is what VW should have produced in the first place. Thank you very much UPsolute.
Date of Posting: 16 May 2001
Posted By: MarriedBlonde
I got my 2.0 8v Bora chipped by these guys and all I have is praise!
The power increase isn't as extreme as the turbo charged engines, but the car is certainly quicker and just incredibly smooth and relaxed now. If you have a 2.0 and have looked at the figures. The increases may not seem huge, but its a definate must-have. Your car will never have felt so good!
Date of Posting: 16 May 2001
Posted By: Union Jack
Ich hab mir vor ca. 3 Wochen in meinen S3 einen Chip von Euch einbauen lassen. Das Ergebnis was mehr als überraschend. Ich dachte immer mein Auto geht auch original gut, aber jetzt hat sich der Spaßfaktor deutlich erhöht. So sollte das Fahrzeug original gehen ;-) Wirklich sehr zufrieden, kann Euch uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen

Date of Posting: 07 May 2001
Posted By: Michael
Vienna, Austria
Golf3 1,9l 90PS TDI, upsoluted==WOAH! So macht das OPEL-jagen spass ;)) super arbeit jungs, weiter so!
Date of Posting: 17 April 2001
Posted By: Tom
Vienna, Austria
Since a few weeks my Opel Zafira 16V-Di is tuned by Evry from Upsolute Holland.
In the beginning we had a few electrical problems but now they are solved, the power and torque is much better. From 82 Hp to app. 109 HP, and torque from 185 Nm to 235 Nm. That is improvement!
Date of Posting: 14 April 2001
Posted By: Ron
Zeewolde, Holland
Mann oh mann. Mein New Beetle fühlt sich wie es 30% leichter geworden ist!

Even driving like a madman, my fuel usage is approximately the same (very slightly lower, but I've been playing a LOT!)

Date of Posting: 13 April 2001
Posted By: Mark Meachen
cambridge, ma usa
Mann oh mann. Mein New Beetle fühlt sich wie 30% es leichter geworden ist!

Even driving like a madman, my fuel usage is approximately the same (very slightly lower, but I've been playing a LOT!)

Date of Posting: 13 April 2001
Posted By: Mark Meachen
cambridge, ma usa
Ihr habt meinem Audi TT, endlich die Leistung gegeben die er vom Werk aus haben sollte.
Meine Meinung ist nach 14 Tage testen, ihr seit uneingeschränkt zu empfehlen, den bei euch stimmt nicht nur der Preis sondern auch die Leistung!
Date of Posting: 05 April 2001
Posted By: Jürgen
The torque produced by my 2001 NB TDI with the Upsolute chip is amazing!
Just as good is the service and customer support provided by Tazz, Valois and Alex.
After 25,000km, I am getting 5.5l/100km or 43mpg US (51mpg Imp), usually cruising at 130km (80mph)
So I'm more than happy with the chip.

Date of Posting: 04 April 2001
Posted By: Alan Peters
Colborne, Ontario Canada
Habe mir gestern bei meinen Citroen Picasso einen Chip einbauen lassen, kann nur sagen, ich bin begeistert.
Die Leistung dieses Autos hat sich enorm gesteigert. Euer Team ist wirklich gut, nur weiter so. Werde Euch auf jedenfall weiter empfehlen. Liebe Grüße Gustav
Date of Posting: 31 March 2001
Posted By: Gustav
Mistelbach,, Mistelbach,
I have a 2000 Golf TDI. Up until 3 weeks ago the car was completely stock, and I had the UPsolute chip installed. This product is fantastic. I've had no problems such as smoking or cels, mileage hits" or clutch slipping. I now love accelerating into onramps and stomping the GO pedal on the interstate. The sensation ? Tower to Lerner.....You are cleared for takeoff! Whoosh! After some initial concerns about NVH, I've cleaned the MAF, flushed the IC, and balanced the wheels, now I'm in TDI heaven!

Thanks to Valois and all at UPsolute! "
Date of Posting: 26 March 2001
Posted By: Nathan Lerner
Houston, TX USA
Welldone to your South African Agents (Chris), although the Chiptuning done on my BMW 740i (E38) with V8 4.0l Engine was their first! The chiptuning is definitely worth it. I feel more comfortable now to drive the vehicle only in A-Mode and not allways in S-Mode. The acceleration in A-Mode was allways to slow and the vehicle changed two gears down. Now it only changes one gear down and also accelerates comfortable in fifth gear. The S-Mode is often to hektik and gear changes are to often, specially in heavy traffic.
Top speed was not tested yet! Yes, their is definitely more power available when it is needed and it catches up to the 4.4l version. Welldone!
Date of Posting: 24 March 2001
Posted By: Adolf Hüster
Benoni, Gauteng South Africa
My car is a 1996 VW Passat TDI 90hp (originally, not any more!)

The difference in power with the Upsolute chip is like night and day, and yet fuel consumption is not affected, and it runs as smoothly as it did before. Customer service was good, Upsolute clearly works hard to produce something that works. Thanks!
Date of Posting: 10 March 2001
Posted By: Brian Petersen (a.k.a. GoFaster)
Brampton, Ontario Canada
I recently had my TDI chipped and I love it. The TDI is a remarkable engine on its own. But now it is a Beast! Thanks to Valois for the GTG in Houston. If anyone is thinking about having it done, go for it you will like it. Chuck.
Date of Posting: 06 March 2001
Posted By: Chuck
Thanks a lot for this fantastic feedback ;-)
Date of Posting: 05 March 2001
Posted By: Alex
Oberwaltersdorf, NOE Austria
Wow, I have Upsoluted my two US Spec 90HP 1.9L VW TDIs and am very happy with the results. One is a 98 NB and the other a 99 Jetta. Power response is impressive, fuel economy is great, starting and running is super smooth. Excellent product and keep up the good work!
Date of Posting: 21 February 2001
Posted By: Thom Andresen
Archer, Florida USA
Chiptuning bei meinem Skoda Octavia.

Möchte mich auf diesem Wege mich noch einmal bedanken, hätte nicht gedacht,
daß ein Diesel so gut geht!!! Viel Glück und Erfolg für Euer Unternehmen.

Date of Posting: 21 February 2001
Posted By: Georg
Vienna, Austria
Wertes Chiptronic Team !!!
Habe mir gestern bei euch in meinen Voyager eine Chip einbauen lassen und bin VOLL BEGEISTERT !!!!! die ehemals lahme FAMILIENKUTSCHE" gibt jetzt richtig GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS !!!! Jetzt macht das fahren wieder Spaß !!!! KRÄFTIGER SCHUB AB 1700 U/min bis zum ROTEN BEREICH OHNE LOCH UND RUCKEN !!!
und im 5. Gang eine viel bessere beschleunigung als vorher, da erspare ich mir doch glatt das zurückschalten.

Also nach meiner ausgibigen Testfahrt von ca 3 Stunden bin ich voll überzeugt.

!!!!! MACHT WEITER SO !!!!! (Preis,Leistung,Freundlichkeit)
Ich werde euch weiterempfehlen!

mfg Gerhard "
Date of Posting: 16 February 2001
Posted By: Gerhard
new happy customer section is opened, if you think that the upsolute products are good, post it here, if you think they are bad.....hmmm...yes of course you should post this either ;-)
Date of Posting: 15 February 2001
Posted By: Alex
Oberwaltersdorf, Austria

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