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Thanks the super tuning for Boxster 3.4 s,cool and smooth,sharp response......
Date of Posting: 04 March 2009
Posted By: Jimmy
Super Boxster S, Fuzhou China
Now within one hour,Upsolute tuned my BMW M3 to be crasy fast,thanks Upsolute and your China dealer.We could drive it to be 290km/h.
Date of Posting: 04 March 2009
Posted By: Jimmy
M3 290KM great tuning, Fuzhou China
Had a small bit of trouble with initial map but the Upsolute Agent (Logic Automotive) was able to correct it with a tailored map to address the oddity of the Allroads Tiptronic transmissions. The new map is fantastic, faster and far smoother than stock.
Its so much smoother that I may not even need to change the engine mounts like I thought I did on this 150k mile car! Very impressive and well recommended for the gear smoothness alone, the better performance with nearly no MPG change is nice too!
Date of Posting: 25 February 2009
Posted By: Alan Devine
Audi Allroad 2.7T, Meath, Ireland
Hatte bis vor einem Monat noch einen Passat 3bg variant 4 motion Bj 2003 mit 130ps auf 163 Ps von upsolute getuned, ging super.....mir bei ca 70000km einbauen lassen und bin 35000km ohne Probleme gefahren!!!!
Hab mir jetzt ein neues Auto angeschafft und werd demnächst wieder bei Upsolute vorbeischaun, nebenbei noch erwähnt....mein Verbrauch ist beim Passat wirklich um ca 1 Liter runtergegangen jedoch muss man halt mal den Gasfuss einbremseeeeen, da das sonst klarerweise mit dem Verbrauch nicht funktionieren kann.
Date of Posting: 19 February 2009
Posted By: Basti Krug
Gute Arbeit, Wien
Nach dem Tuning hat der Wagen einen viel besseren Durchzug und der Durchschnittsverbrauch ist von 6,5 auf 5,5 bis 6 l/100km gesunken. Und das bei 140 (170!) PS!
Jetzt macht der 6. Gang erst richtig Sinn. Von 80kmh bis 220kmh kann ich jetzt im höchsten Gang beschleunigen! Echt tolles Fahrgefühl. Und durch die Treibstoffersparnis habe ich jetzt nach 35.000km die Chipkosten schon eingefahren - wobei der Fahrspaß nicht mitgerechnet ist.
Date of Posting: 18 February 2009
Posted By: Peter
Alfa 147JDT, Wien
Cool and seems will fly,good tuner and good support.
Date of Posting: 16 February 2009
Posted By: Mr.Lin
A4 1.8T, Hangzhou China
Toll, fährt wie ein anderes Auto, kein Vergleich mit vorher. Die Firma ist top! Perfekte Beratung, tolles Service vorort, promte Arbeit, .......
Bei Bedarf jederzeit zu empfehlen
Date of Posting: 03 February 2009
Posted By: Hans
BMW 318d, Linz
Super cool and very sharp!Absolutely perfect!The power is much better than the ori!
Date of Posting: 26 January 2009
Posted By: Dang
1.8T AUDI A4 5 MAN, Wuxi,China
i did a little research about chips and decided that an upsolute chip seemed the best one to go for, what a difference it has made, not only has it made it easier to drive with the bags of extra torque, its taken 3 seconds off the 0-60 time and pulls very strongly all the way to the legal limit, the fitter came to my house and was quick and precise and explained as he was going along what he was doing, we took the car for a drive, checked for fault codes, thats it, would definately reccomend having upsolute chips fitted to your v.a.g. diesel, fitter was simon coe of ccc tech
Date of Posting: 12 January 2009
Posted By: stuey
1999 b5 passat tdi 110, uk
I first got my car mapped at ****** (name removed by UPsolute HQ) who claimed they were the best about and to avoid other companies as they will con you etc etc, after picking the car up it didnt seem to be any different if anything slower! so took car back and got a refund, I also found my air filter stuffed full of leaves later on, strange cause id had it open a day or two before, I then contacted Simon Coe (CCC technology) he came round and perfomed the upgrade, all I can say is that it has totally transformed my car, Power has greatly increased throughout,and I would recommend Simon Coe to anyone thinking of an upgrade, he is very professional and certainly knows what he is doing. Thanks again Simon, Stephen Kelly
Date of Posting: 21 December 2008
Posted By: Stephen Kelly
Volvo 850 t5 second time around, Greater Manchester
Reprogramado en Vagspeed Madrid con 45000 km, actualmente con 110000km y cada dia mejor. Un cambio espectacular.
Date of Posting: 20 December 2008
Posted By: David
Seat Toledo TDI 110 ASV, Zaragoza
usuario de golfv 14 tsi 122cv barakaldo vizcaya estan por la quinta evolucion de reprogramado y no consige upsolute darme los 155cv que prometen sin tirones en el coche
Date of Posting: 17 December 2008
Posted By: pedro ramos
hola yo tengo un leon 20tdi de 140cv y ahora lo tengo con 174 y una autentica bomba. Gracias por todo
Date of Posting: 30 November 2008
Posted By: gorka
seat leon 2.0 tdi, bilbao, españa
i will like to thank carlos and sergio at
hallandale beach,fl the upgrade went well,very happy with the upgrade,plus the expertise carlos and sergio have at makes it alot easier for me as a customer.
Date of Posting: 18 October 2008
Posted By: eddie g
08 mkv gti black magic, pembroke pines,florida usa
Habe meinen Seat Leon Bj. 2008 2.0 TDI 140 auf 176 chippen lassen
Der fahrspaass ist ein Hammer , er zieht in jedem Gang.
Gute Arbeit
Date of Posting: 12 October 2008
Posted By: Sascha Pfeifer
Seat Leon , Austria , Vienna
Hallo an das upsolute Team!
Hab meinen Toyota Auris bei Euch chippen lassen und bin mit dem Ergebnis mehr als zufrieden!
Das Ansprechverhalten und der Durchzug des hubraumschwachen Common Rail Diesels ist wesentlich besser geworden, das Fahren macht einfach mehr Spaß als vorher.
Über den Verbrauch kann ich momentan nur sagen, daß er nicht mehr geworden ist, wie viel weniger es ist weiß ich erst nach ein paar Tankfüllungen.
Ein Danke auch an die nette Vor-Ort Betreuung, alle Fragen werden kompetent und freundlich beantwortet.
Ich kann das Tuning von upsolute also nur jedem empfehlen!
Date of Posting: 23 September 2008
Posted By: Rainer
Toyota AURIS 1,4 D4D
UPsoluted my Audi A4 with 2.0 NA engine 130 hp. At first I had some doubts about chipping NA engine considering the benefits, but the 399 € price was attractive enough so I decided to try.
Now I got to say this should have been done sooner! Throttle response got considerably quicker and sharper giving much better accleration with no lag at all. Also increased torque is feelable through whole rev range and gets even better on higher revs. Fuel consumption is normal, if not decreased some.
For everyday use this is certainly a very welcome improvement on performance which makes you want to have a turbocharged Audi with UPsolute. Still, if you are wondering whether or not to UPsolute your NA A4, my answer is definately yes. Thank you UPsolute Finland!
Date of Posting: 07 July 2008
Posted By: Pasi H.
Audi A4 B6 2.0, Helsinki, Finland
Hatte zwar selbst lange gezögert da Benziner o. Turbo,
heute aber den Schritt gewagt:
"vorher" probiert und notiert,
heute in Zentrale/Tessdorf optimieren lassen,
"nachher" ausprobiert und verglichen.
Der C2 VTS ist selten, aber bei Upsolute in sehr guten Händen und kein Problem.
Bin sehr zufrieden - Betreuung, Information, Preis und Resultat bestens.
Bin sogar so zufrieden, daß mir das auch einen "Erfahrungsbericht" im Forum wert ist.
danke Upsolute!
Date of Posting: 04 July 2008
Posted By: Mario Friesacher
Citroen C2 VTS 1.6i 16v NA, Austria
Danke an das Upsolute-Team Ihr habt es wieder geschafft - nachdem ich schon mit meinem 156'er bei Euch war ist es auch diesmal gelungen mir wirklich Freude zu bereiten.......mein 159'er geht ab wie eine Rakete und das schöne daran ist (gerade in dieser Zeit) das sich mein Dieselverbrauch fast um 1 Liter gesenkt hat - trotz der 30 PS mehr. Das Service und die Betreuung vor Ort ist sehr zufriedenstellend - macht so weiter - ich kann Euch nur weiterempfehlen.
Date of Posting: 23 June 2008
Posted By: G.Tasch
ALFA 159 2,4jtd, AUSTRIA
hey Upsolute..
UPsoluted my 2004.5 jettea GLI 1.8T and love it! the guys at eurodream in pembroke FL. shout out to VW techs sergio and carlos.. also to Rene in North Carolina for the new map. sick product, guys never happier behind the wheel. car apears stock too untill an srt-4 wants some...
thanks again
Date of Posting: 07 June 2008
Posted By: Spencer Wills
1.8T, Hollywood Fl. USA
Hatte ca 1 1/2 Jahre die spitzen Software im Audi und war einfach nur begeistert, hab mein alten Audi zurück Chippen lassen -> sehr schnell und kostenlos! & werde natürlich mit meinem neuen Audi wieder kommen!!!
Spitzen Team -> freundlich, kommen allen entgegen und haben auf alle Fragen die richtige Antwort!!
Date of Posting: 10 May 2008
Posted By: A3 8L 1,9
A3 8L 1,9
Einfach Spitze....
Super Betreuuung angenehmes KLima, Fernseher usw....
----> KlaSSe !!!!!
Mein Lob an das gesamte Upsolute Team.....
Date of Posting: 09 May 2008
Posted By: Florian
.....GoLF V....., vienna
habe meinen bmw 530d mit 120.000km chippen lassen...ich muss sagen hätte mir nicht gedacht, dass der unterschied mit chip so extrem sein würde. mein bmw geht jetzt wie die hölle, kann es nur jedem weiterempfehlen...das schöne dabei ist, der kraftstoffverbrauch ist erheblich gesunken trotz den mehr ps..
herzlichen dank an das upsolute team in teesdorf 
Date of Posting: 02 April 2008
Posted By: marco
bmw 530d baujahr 2001, vienna
My Opel Astra Coupe became a real monster after the Upsolute Chiptuning was intalled. There is no mach for my 2000cc engine. Now the turbine got work to do, the gear box cries for a faster shifting, suspention had to be changed due to higher speed in corners, not to mention air filter and tires, even I had to get an upgrade. Now i need to find means to increase exhaust exit flow...
Date of Posting: 05 March 2008
Posted By: Paul
In top of the 2000cc engine., Tirgu-Mures, Romania
Hallo liebes UpSolute-Team! War heute bei Euch um meinen Corsa chipen zu lassen. Das Service war wirklich bestens, das gesamte Team äußerst kompetent und freundlich. Mein Corsi läuft jetzt wirklich spektugal. Der Punch aus dem Keller ist hervorragend, der Motorlauf ist ruhiger geworden und die Überholmanöver sind einfach ein Traum. Summo Summarum ein großes Lob an Upsolute Austria. Danke und weiter so ... jetzt habe ich ein echtes Kampfcorsi :o) Thomas Hollywood
Date of Posting: 04 March 2008
Posted By: Thomas
Kampfcorsi 1.7 DTI 97PS, Laa an der Thaya, Austria
Einbau Feb. 2008, Einbau bzw. Serviceteam sehr höflich u. zuvorkommend, Preis/Leistung - sehr zufrieden;
Steigerung so wie erwartet und zugesichert!!!!
Herzlichen Dank dem Team in Teesdorf!!!
Date of Posting: 28 February 2008
Posted By: Michael
VW Golf V 1.6 (102), Kärnten / Österreich
Fahre nun seit ca. 2 Jahren mit einem Cjip dieser Firma.
Keinerlei Probleme nach nunmehr 70000 zurückgelegten Kilometer. Alles bestens und zu empfehlen!
Date of Posting: 12 February 2008
Posted By: roman
530d , österreich
I have been waiting a long time to increase power in my CLK 230K (W208) and when I saw that Upsolute had appointed a dealer in Malaysia, I was very happy. I already had a replacement sports air filter, rear muffler and upgraded pulley kit but it still wasn't enough. Visited Projekt Euro Tuning and the sales staff were very friendly and knowledgable. Went for a reading which was less than an hour and went home. Came back the next day and they uploaded the tuned map within 20 minutes and off I went. Immediately felt the power increase even with normal throttle input. I am a satisfied customer now and definitely will recommend to all my friends!! Thanks Upsolute and Projekt Euro Tuning!
Date of Posting: 02 February 2008
Posted By: Shaharuddin
Upsoluted!!!, Subang Jaya, Malaysia
war am 21.01.2008 bei Euch um meinem Auto ein Chiptuining zu verpassen.Ja, du spürst das stärkere Drehmoment im unteren wie im mittleren Drehzahlbereich.Genau so hatte ich es mir gewünscht.Man merkt ebenso den geringeren Treibstoffverbrauch bereits nach 2 Tagen.
Insgesamt kann ich Euch nur empfehlen und werde sicherlich mit meinem nächsten, neuen Auto wieder bei Euch vorfahren.
Wünsche Euch noch viele zufriedene Kunden wie mich. 
Date of Posting: 22 January 2008
Posted By: Franz Ullmann
man spürt es sofort, Pinggau, Österreich
War in Teesdorf meinen Polo 1,9 TDI 100 auf 133ps zu bringen, erst war ich ein wenig skeptisch, als es hieß eine Probefahrt nach dem Chipen, klar gern konnte zwar feststellen das hier mehr geht nur richtig testen konnte ich natürlich nicht auf der normalen Landstrasse. Aber bin ja den Tag drauf zurück nach Germanien gefahren, Leute ich sag euch mir wurde richtig warm ums Herz als ich auf der Autobahn zwischen 140 und 180 beschleunigte was vorher in diesem Bereich recht zäh war, ging wie im Flug so flux auf 200 km/h ich war echt begeistert. Jungs ich sag danke für den guten und super Service bei euch in Teesdorf, weiter so ich bin sicher das wir uns wieder sehen mit meinem anderen Fahrzeug........ 
Date of Posting: 05 January 2008
Posted By: TomTom
Nur Geil....., Lorch, Germany
I got my new Audi TT 2.0 Tfsi remapped by Peter Carey of Logic Automotive in mid Dec 2007 and I have to say I am very happy with the results. I put a lot of research into who was going to remap my baby and the local Upsolute dealer came out tops with the best dealer service, cheapest price and very favourable testimonials from past customers.
My TT now delivers the kind of top end power and mid range shove I was used to in my Subaru WRX but with the same great 35 mpg and head turning looks. The power is smooth and linear right to the red line and is, if anything smoother approaching the red li8ne than the standard Audi tune.
The only slight downside to the Upsolute tune is the 4 hours or so it takes to tune which saw me reading newspapers right down to the small ads in a local pub to pass the time but this was a small price to pay as Peter kept me constantly informed of how matters were progressing by text and then called over to collect me when the car was done. The fact that the REVO and APR remaps are twice the price was one of the factors steering me towards Upsolute and now that I have experienced the software and professional dealer service I will be back for more in the future.
David Frawley 03-01-2008 
Date of Posting: 03 January 2008
Posted By: Frawls
Audi TT Twice as tasty!, Dublin, Ireland
I got my car chipped the week before x-mas, and it was truly a big x-mas present I made to myself! I'm still impressed of the massive power my Audi A3 2.0TDI is developing! I was never unsatisfied with the stock power, but now the engine is feeling free and powerful, like it should be from the factory! Acceleration is smooth but powerful! I will definitely come by with my wifes polo very soon!
Date of Posting: 28 December 2007
Posted By: Ricky
X-mas present, Graz, Austria
I got my old beemer Upsolute Chip Tuned at Logic Automotive in Greenmount Ind Est Newcastle Co. Dublin. Took a couple of hours but was well worth the wait. It was never a fast car but was a bit dead in the lower revs & felt a bit flat in the middle.
That all changed. Car pulled really nice from the time I left the garage. The flat spot was gone & it felt like a different engine. My fuel consumption improved also.
I'd have to recommend this to anyone looking for a little extra power & a nicer drive. I had approx 150Bhp & 140Ft/Lbs before & I'd well believe the 164Bhp & 156Ft/Lbs after.
Not a lot says you but noticable straight away & pulls as good as the M20 525i.
Got 148K on the clock & it's still pulling great.
I'm looking at a 530i or 535i next & will be Upsolute Chiping it straight away.
Date of Posting: 09 December 2007
Posted By: Barry
E34 520i 1992 "Not such a dog!", Dublin, Ireland
Habe mir gestern einen Chip in Teesdorf einbauen lassen! ich kann nur sagen, mein Golf V TDI fliegt jetzt richtig, danke an das gesamte Team!
Date of Posting: 07 December 2007
Posted By: Markus Lehner
Super Service, Vienna, Austria
After tuning my Audi A4 2.0tfsi i was so impressed that i purchased distributorhip for the Kwa Zulu Natal region in South Africa from Gavin of Upsolute Johannesburg. 
Date of Posting: 27 October 2007
Posted By: Sam Devnarayan
South Africa, Durban , Kzn South Africa
I just had my 2006 BMW 325i chipped. I drove it to North Carolina to have the Upsolute guys Rene and Andre chip my car. I am thrilled with the results. The car doesn't feel like a slow dog anymore. Engine feels freer and likes it's performing the way it was intended. BMW had detuned the 325 on purpose so as not to compete with the 330i with the same engine but the 3 liter engine in the US spec 325 has a lot more power that was unlocked with the UPsolute program. I'm very happy. Thank you
Date of Posting: 12 September 2007
Posted By: Rob Crowley
BMW 325i, Miami, FL USA
Wow,thats all i can say.I have chipped my JIV 1.8T(110KW).Now it kicking ass all over the show.I compete with GTI5,Jetta n A4 2.0T FSI.Guys your job is wonderful.Thanx Gavin @Witkoppen
Date of Posting: 12 September 2007
Posted By: Manelo Mkhonza
1.8T kicking ass, Nelspruit, Nelspruit South Africa
kia sorento 140ps auf 170ps und 345nm auf 394nm tunen lassen - geht wie die feuerwehr - verbrauch bei normaler fahrweise gesunken - bin begeistert - kann ich nur empfehlen
Date of Posting: 11 September 2007
Posted By: patriarca franky
Kia Sorento, mariazell, Österreich
Dank dem Team von Upsolute in Teesdorf ist mein Ford Mondeo TDdi nicht wieder zu erkennen!! Satter Durchzug, Turbo spricht früher an, keine Spur von Rußentwicklung und keine rutschende Kupplung. Fährt sich so als ob Ford sich das so gewünscht hätte aber nicht machen durfte ;-) Sehr kompetentes Team. alle nett und freundlich. so muss es sein!! lg Andreas 
Date of Posting: 03 September 2007
Posted By: Andreas
Danke Upsolute, gloggnitz, austria
@001 Audi A6 2.7T.Colorado @ 7000ft elev. Great tune. Smooth with TONS of power and torque over stock.Tiptronic shift very well with Upsolute chip'd ECU. Thanks Guys!!!!
Date of Posting: 16 August 2007
Posted By: Chris R
A6 - Great Tune, colorado springs, CO usa
War heute mit meinem Auto dort um in den Originalzustand rückrüsten zu lassen. Frage ob ich denn nicht zufrieden gewesen bin. Meine Antwort, daß ich sehr zufrieden war, aber eben jetzt wieder den Originalzustand will. Die Rückrüstung wurde prompt erledigt und hat wie laut homepage ersichtlich, nichts gekostet. Diese Fa kann man nur weiterempfehelen!!!
Date of Posting: 03 August 2007
Posted By: sparenbeimfahren
Sehr zufrieden, ,
I just had my straight stock 03 Passat 1.8t chipped by Simon Lomas in Calgary and so far so good. The car is markedly faster and is even nicer to drive at a lope. This is the way it should have been from the start. It is too early to tell by my fuel economy may suffer simply because the car is so fast and fun I am way more likely get my foot into it now. Oh well, life is full of compromises ;)
Date of Posting: 23 July 2007
Posted By: JPO
Passat 1.8T Calgary, Calgary, Alberta Canada
I am so pleased with the chipping! Once I got some better diesel in there, it is picking up and running like a charm! Thanks to Jason at Kraut-Burner Performance for the upgrade. Thanks for your fair price too! Have a great 4th of July!
Date of Posting: 03 July 2007
Posted By: Luke Dupre
I'm so pleased, Carrolton, Texas USA
My Volvo V 50 was tuned in Hooland by Evry Schuiling - upsolute professional - thanks for that.
Date of Posting: 24 June 2007
Posted By: johannes Millon
Volvo V50, Starnberg, Bavaria Germany
i am a happy user from Upsolite more power and torque - next car is already in the start uphole.
Date of Posting: 24 June 2007
Posted By: Johannes Millon
Happy user, Starnberg, Bavaria / haha Germany
Upsoluting my 1999 Golf has made it the hot-hatch it should have always been. A+++
Date of Posting: 18 June 2007
Posted By: Sam Petyan
Hot Hatch, London, UK
Got my 2005 Golf upsoluted last friday, all I can say is AMAZING!! Keep your excellent work Mike Norris"
Date of Posting: 08 June 2007
Posted By: Mike Norris
Houston, Texas USA
Had Kraut-Burner Performance do an Upsolute chip on mine and wow it's a whole new beast. Anyone who is thinking about doing it needs to do so. Jason over there took good care of me. If your in Texas or surrounding area I'd give him a holler ASAP if you want to go fast!
Date of Posting: 04 May 2007
Posted By: Chris Powell
Houston, Texas USA
Ich bin voll zufrieden mit dem eingebauten Chip.Leistung ist OK, Spritverbrauch um einen Liter/100km gesunken.Meine erwartungen haben sich voll bestätigt.
Date of Posting: 07 April 2007
Der 1.8T 20v geht an und für sich schon gut, glaubte ich... mit Chip um Welten besser... Hatte es mir gewünscht, aber eigentlich nicht erwartet dass es so viel bringt. Muss dann mal auf den Verbrauch achten wenn ich wieder normal" fahren kann :)"
Date of Posting: 02 March 2007
Posted By: Roman
, Austria
Habe gestern meinen Seat Leon Cupra R bei Upsolute in Oberwalterdorf chippen lassen und bin voll und ganz begeistert! Druck in allen Lebenslagen, und sauberer Durchzug, so muss ein guter Chip funktionieren!
Date of Posting: 01 March 2007
Posted By: Klaus
, Austria
Hallo Leute! Mein Punto mutierte dank Upsolute vom lahmen Dieselschlucker zum flotten Sparmobil(vorher 6l, jetzt immer unter 5l! bei weit besseren Fahrleistungen). Nach dem Tuning schon bald 100000km, der Motor ist upsolute ok. Das Geld fürs Tuning hat sich mehr als gelohnt. mfG J
Date of Posting: 24 February 2007
Posted By: johan
schruns, vorarlberg austria
Hallo! Wollt mich nochmal bedanken bei Upsolute,an das ganze Personal natürlich.Mein Seat Leon ist gar nicht mehr wieder zu erkennen,geht voll die post ab! Danke nochmal für die gelungene zusammenarbeit! MFG max
Date of Posting: 20 February 2007
Posted By: Markus
Stockerau Umgebung, Österreich
Hallo, Also gleich nachdem ausprobieren kann ich sagen,dass all meine erwartungen Positiv erfüllt sind.Mein Sharan war nicht mehr zuerkennen!Kein Turboloch, Kein Ruckeln und Super Beschleunigung. Danke an das Team! 
Date of Posting: 09 February 2007
Posted By: Ünal Sanlioglu
Wien, Austria
Date of Posting: 03 February 2007
Posted By: Jorge Cigaroa
Plano, Texas USA
also.. 1mals ich komm hin und die leute wahren mehr als nur extrem freundlich zu mir, 2. man kann dort rauchen zeitunglesen u fern schaun, i hab sogar eingepennt auf der couch =)! zum auto.... ja, er fährt sich jetzt wie ein neuwagen, spitze haben die das gemacht!! weiter so! ich hoff mein audi fahrt jeden morgen genau so gut wie heute! lg
Date of Posting: 12 January 2007
Posted By: Markus
UPSOLUTE verspricht nicht nur MEHR LEISTUNG....UPSOLUTE hält das Versprochene auch! Vor UPSOLUTE fuhr einen BMW 530D Nach UPSOLUTE fahre ich jetzt einen BMW M530D!!! Danke an das Team von UPSOLUTE!!! 
Date of Posting: 19 December 2006
Posted By: Robert Prosser
Vienna, AT Austria
My 1999 Audi A4 1.8T Facelift was a stock 120kw vehicle until I had Gavin perform his magic and upgrade my chip. Now a 151kw beast that responds emmediately letting you know that thuis is no ordinary A-4. Thanks to Gavin and his team at their Upsolute Durban branch, I think I will keep my car for a few more years. 
Date of Posting: 06 December 2006
Posted By: Derek Benjamin
Durban, Natal South Africa
Sehr geehrtes Team! Ich war vor 2 Wochen bei Upsolute für meine VW-Doka Chiptuning machen von 86 auf 116 PS Leistung Spitzenmässig und Spritverbrauch ist gseunken . Ich fahre jetzt pro Tankfüllung ca.50-60 km weiter bei dem 75L Tank Also Gesamteindruck ist sehr gut Vielen Dank
Date of Posting: 21 September 2006
Posted By: Pissenberger Jürgen
St.Pölten, Österreich
Upsolute I have 2005.5 Audi a4 quattro 6-speed tip, direct shift tranny, I tried the REVo flash that promised the same upgrade performance as your flash.. Regretfully it (Revo) failed to deliver. The jump from 6800 to 7200 rpm rev-limit and shift points did not happen? HOWEVER the speed limiter was removed and it ran like a bat out of hell after about 120mph... (you didnt here that from me).. Please re-assure me Gaic will show better results.. Have you tried it on an AUDI like the one described above??? Repectfully, Roger 301-925-0168 
Date of Posting: 20 August 2006
Posted By: Roger M Singletary
Fort Washington, Maryland
Hi People!!My new Seat Leon II Sport-up TDI 140Hp (2006) is Upsolute...d! It's unbilievable! It's amaizing to drive this car with an opimized chip!!Now my car flys. It's funny to see other guys faces when they feel the real Seat LEON 2 power and torq. It's my first time doing chiptuning to my car. I was ver sceptic and afraid to damage the motor of my new car. Now i'm sure i'll upsolute my futures cars. Thanks to all Upsolute workers, representatives and, specially, to Oscar from Vagspeed in Madrid; You all have done an excellent job. Be sure that I have and will recommend your product to many. 
Date of Posting: 18 August 2006
Posted By: Alex
Madrid, Madrid Spain
I had my B5.5 02 Passat Sport upgraded a couple of months ago. Since then my mpg has gone up from 48 to 53mpg. Performance has increased from 130 to 164bhp and made the car far more responsive and more grunt in lower rev range. Simon Coe performed the upgrade, very professional. Thoroughly satisified with the upgrade. Thank you.
Date of Posting: 26 July 2006
Posted By: Dominic Mills
Passat Sport, Cambridge, CAMBS UK
Simon Lomas is an asset to your company! He was exceedingly personable, professional, and did a fantastic job on my B5 Passat 1.8T. I have and will recemmend your product to many.
Date of Posting: 25 July 2006
Posted By: Dr. Michael Harvey
Cochrane, Alberta Canada
Keith @ Upsolute in Randburg did a wondeful job on my Audi A3 2.0T Sportback.The difference is immediately noticeable. My power went from 147kw to 177kw and best of all my car is still reliable and Audi cannot detect the chip that was installed.There is constant power and torque throughout the rev range and i would definately recommend this to any spead freak. 
Date of Posting: 24 July 2006
Posted By: Quinton
Johannesburg, Guateng South Africa
Mein Fazit zu upsolute: - in vorbildlicher Weise nette und entgegenkommende Leute - Vollprofis, die genau wissen, wovon sie reden und was sie tun - ein Chiptuning, das meinen A3 in ein Tier verwandelt hat ;-) Alles in allem: ich würde es jederzeit wieder tun. [Kompletter Thread unter;=10647&page;=0&view;=&sb;=5&;o=&fpart;=&vc;=1&PHPSESSID;]
Date of Posting: 22 July 2006
Posted By: Schmal
Cologne, Germany
Astra H 1.9 CDTI 100Ps auf 125 Ps+50Nm Ja tadelos der Leistungszuwachs ist spürbar!! Bis jetzt (1 Tank) bin ich voll zufrieden. 
Date of Posting: 10 July 2006
Posted By: Christian Bratengeier
Vienna, Austria Austria
Chip for less and save money and gain more power. My GOLF 4 GTi does wonders. It does not even feel the weight of the 18 wheels that it has. Thanks to Keith in Randburg. "
Date of Posting: 23 June 2006
Posted By: Moeketsi.
Johannesburg, Gauteng RSA
I had been having a random mis-fire symptom with my 02'GTI 1.8t despite changing plugs and coil packs for the 2nd or 3rd time now and thought that maybe re-chipping might help. I contacted 'Randy Hall'and explained my issues and he mentioned cleaning my 'throttle body', well it worked and my car starts up and idles down nice and smooth. I am already chipped by Neuspeed and am satisfied with the performance of my car, but I needed to solve this problem. Thanks Randy for saving me time and $$$. What goes around comes around"."
Date of Posting: 22 June 2006
Posted By: Dominic Cox
Atlanta, GA USA
I've been researching tuning chips for a couple years now and finally contacted Tazz at Upsolute Canada. I can honestly say that it was the best decision that I've ever made for my 2001 Golf TDi. The constant power, the torque and unbelievable throttle response along with the excellent service from Tazz has made my Golf even more fun to drive than I could ever imagine. Thanks Tazz!
Date of Posting: 21 June 2006
Posted By: Brian Barrie,
Ontario Canada, Ontario Canada
Had Evry Schuiling tune up my C200 CDI combi today. From 102HP to at least 150HP !!! Didn't know what happened to me on the way back home. More than a satisfying job he did. The car goes on and on and on.... It's almost like I'm on an airplane. Thank you Evry ! I'm one very Happy Customer.
Date of Posting: 16 June 2006
Posted By: Marco
Ilpendam, Netherlands
I have/(or I had) a 85 hp VW Transporter T5 and I can say that the increase in power is remarkable. It feels like a completely different car. It is worth every euro! 
Date of Posting: 06 June 2006
Posted By: Hessel Koning
Midwolda, Groningen Netherlands
Scott Ramsey is a great asset to your company.
Date of Posting: 05 June 2006
Posted By: Dustin Drummey
Cape Cod, MA USA
War am 30.5.06 in Teesdorf. Machte um 1700 eine Probefahrt und war restlos begeistert. Ein neues Auto" und das um "nur 399!". War bei meinem Auto etwas mühsam, da sie es das erste Mal hatten. Hat aber super geklappt!"
Date of Posting: 02 June 2006
Posted By: sparenbeimfahren
My Golf TDI has been updated by Evry Schuiling. Evry well done, I have a feeling now that my car is ready for take off like an airplane.What a torque. Well done. Kind regards Edo Zweep
Date of Posting: 29 May 2006
Posted By: Edo Zweep
Zuidlaren, Drenthe Netherlands
Randy Hall of Upsolute Atlanta did a pwonderful job of tuning my 2006 Jetta TDI. He made the process very easy and answered all questions that I had and even added a couple of extra's to my car. Trust your car to this very technically proficient tuner! 
Date of Posting: 10 May 2006
Posted By: Joey Ortman
McDonough, Georgia USA
Randy Hall of Upsolute Atlanta was awesome! I sent him the ECU from my 2005 Cayenne Turbo, and within 48 hours, he added something close to 80 HP! The first 450 HP came from Porsche at a cost of about $225 per HP. The next 80 HP came from Randy at Upsolute Atlanta, and cost about $9.40 per HP. What value! I initially sent the ECU to another tuner. Although I wasn't unhappy with their results, I decided to give Upsolute a try. Upsolute's promise of More Power For Less Money" certainly holds true. The performance is truly phenominal. I feel that the car drives like a Porsche should. It has power galore throughout the full range of engine RPM. The throttle response is instantaneous, and turbo lag is non-existant. I highly recommend Upsolute, and Randy Hall"
Date of Posting: 23 April 2006
Posted By: John
Boise, Idaho USA
Randy Hall of Upsolute Atlanta did a phenomenal job of tuning the Engine Control Unit of my 2006 Jetta TDI. What a difference! He made the process very easy and answered all questions that I had. Trust your car to this very technically proficient tuner!
Date of Posting: 13 April 2006
Posted By: David Trowbridge
North Augusta, SC USA
I just thought to extend my gratitude for your excellent service delivery. You guys made sure I got my ECU back on time and now the performance of my car is almost unbelievable. I have no regrets whatsoever and will never hesitate to recommend Upsolute. Thank you!!
Date of Posting: 03 April 2006
Posted By: Ogbonnaya Kanu
Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria
Cruised over to ATL in my stock 2002 Jetta TDI Auto and did some tuning work on it with Randy Hall. Very good results obtained with Upsolute. Randy is highly recommended to anyone thinking of this. He explained everything that was going to happen and gave me the choices to do what I was comfortable with. If you have anything to tune you need to get over there and see Randy now! 
Date of Posting: 22 March 2006
Posted By: Danny
Priceville, AL USA
I have a 2000 Passat 1.8t(B5). I purchased the chip upgrade from Scott Ramsey in Northbridge, MA. AMAZING!! Way more power than I ever expected. You won't regret this purchase. Manual gearbox, can hardly keep the tires stuck in second. And Scott is great to deal with. Very knowledgeable. He answered EVERY one of my questions. Thanks a lot guys.
Date of Posting: 10 March 2006
Posted By: Jacob Ladd
Hello Randy! You can be REALLY proud of the RandyRacing file. I should get pictures in about one week, but here is some feedback:
Before Upsolute after a traffic light after it turned green my wife would leave me eating dust when she floored her soccer mom mobile" (Nissan Quest 3.5SE 240HP).
After Upsolute on the race track:
Speed and the end of the long straight:
Mustang (race setup, not street legal) around 150mph
Dodge Charger: 120mph
RandyRacing - Volvo: 113mph (impressive uh?)
Neither the Charger nor '05 Corvettes could pull away!
I used both 93 and 104 fuel, but I could not really feel a difference and was too busy driving to really give you feedback. As soon as I get on a dyno, I will let you know what really happened HP and torque wise.
This is track we were at: (We used the 2.9 mile configuration)
The instructor with me asked me what the weight of the car was and what had I under hood!!!
You can add a satisfied user to your list.
Date of Posting: 06 March 2006
Posted By: Sergio Robledo
Texas USA, Texas USA
Once again, Randy Hall from Atlanta is the greatest. Excellent after sales service and he will even walk you thru step by step over the phone to clear any code pops up from reinstalling the ECU. Upsolute should give me a service award.
Date of Posting: 02 March 2006
Posted By: Holland Kun
Sugar Land, TX USA
I had planned on a performance chip as part of several upgrades for my 2001 Porsche 996. I started to inquire about performance stats and pricing with 3 companies. Randy Hall from Upsolute was the 1st to respond to my questions. The car is complete now and the upgrade from Randy is perfect. Customer service was excellent. Great Job Randy!
Date of Posting: 01 March 2006
Posted By: Mark Rollo
Acworth, Ga USA
Randy Hall at Atlanta is great!!! Quick turnover and he can answer any kind of question you have. Nice guy to deal with.
Date of Posting: 23 February 2006
Posted By: Holland Kun
Houston, TX USA
I was up to Marrietta and houng out with Randy Hall, this man kicks ass, he knows a ton about tuning and he flashed a few long codes into my car just for coming up there. Also gave me a helluva deal on a good chip. Definatley worth the quick ride outside the perimeter!
Date of Posting: 23 February 2006
Posted By: Charley Benjamin
Atlanta, Georgia USA
Kann Upsolute nur empfehlen !! Habe vor ca.4 Wochen meinen Ford Focus II von 109 PS auf 138 PS und 50Nm Mehrleistung umstellen lassen.Bin echt positiv überrascht über die Mehrleistung und die Spritreduzierung um ca. 0,5 Liter bei gleicher Fahrweise.Die Beratung war auch sehr gut und Informativ. Es ist wirklich angenehm zu Wissen das man beim Fahren noch reserven hat. DANKE an das Team von Upsolute Teesdorf !!!!! 
Date of Posting: 22 February 2006
Posted By: Helmut Machaczek
Wien, Austria/Vienna Wien
I had been conteplating getting the chip tuning done to my newly acquired '98 Beetle TDI. Found out the Upsolute chip tuner for the Atlanta area (Randy Hall) lives in my same neighborhood, so I got to watch him work firsthand. He definitely knows his stuff and has the setup" to do excellent work. His attitude and competence towards doing quality work was clearly his specialty. I'm sort of and Engineering/Quality "geek" and after talking with Randy and seeing him work, I would have no hesitation sending him work, even if I were miles away. Thanks for the great job, Randy. The tuning on my TDI defintely woke my car up - great low and mid-range boost and power. It was exactly what this little car needed. $300 was defintely worth it!!!"
Date of Posting: 19 February 2006
Posted By: BrookSmith
Marietta, Georgia USA
Date of Posting: 16 February 2006
Posted By: ALEX
wien, austria
I have my Leon 110 tdi upsoluted by Simon Coe of ccc tech for nearly a year now. Absolutely worth every penny! so easy to drive slow or fast! midrange torque still amazes me! No problems at all, definitely recomended !
Date of Posting: 11 February 2006
Posted By: John Richards
Stafford, England
I just got my EGR by-passed in my 2002 Volkswagen Golf TDI by Randy Hall. By by-passing the EGR it would prevent intake and EGR clogging. Randy also helped me to solve my cold start problem and I am really thankfull for that because the dealership could not solve it. I also had my car chiped by Randy about a year ago and he did a great job no problems whats so ever. My car runs better and better every time I see Randy :) Thanx again Randy, ou're great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date of Posting: 04 February 2006
Posted By: Aurimas
Hogansville, GA USA
Echt super gute Firma. Ich war heute meinen Audi A3 90 ps tunen und bin echt zufrieden. Die Firma ist gepflegt aufgeräumt, die Mitarbeiter sind Kunden freundlich und gehen auf jede Frage ein. So ein Tuner findet man selten. Zum Auto selbst, ja bin zwar nur 500 km heute gefahren aber echt positiv überrascht.
Ps: Der Funkschalter ist TOP finde es echt klasse das die Firma Upsolute so ein nützliches Zubehör anbietet.
Ich sage danke und die Firma sieht mich, sobald ich ein neues Fahrzeug habe wieder. 
Date of Posting: 02 February 2006
Posted By: Marko
Österreich, Österreich
Ich habe eine Leistungssteigerung (Chiptuning") bei meinem FIAT BRAVO GT - JTD vor 2J durchführen lassen. Bis heute keinerlei Probleme und sehr deutliche Leistungssteigerung. Vor allem den Funkschalter (Umschalten während der Fahrt!) finde ich genial! TOP Unternehmen!"
Date of Posting: 29 January 2006
Posted By: Bernd
Benno von Upsolute Shweiz hat wahrlich ein Meisterwerk vollbracht, mein Aero wird seinem Namen in jeder Hisicht gerecht beim beschleunigen hat man fast das Gefühl in einem startenden Flugzeug zu Sitzten . Einfach brachial. Power ohne Ende mit konstantem durchzug.
Der Saab hängt extrem gut am Gas und der Minder-Verbrauch vom Benzin war schon nach 100 Kilometer sichtbar, der durchschnittsverbrauch sank von 9,8 auf 9.0 Lit./100 Km. ( Bei normaler Fahrweise )
Jetz noch etwas zum Service von Benno: Mein Aero musste nach dem ersten Tuning in Die Saab garage für einen Routine check, war ja alles Prima ausser dass die von Saab das Tuning auf dem Steuergerät vermutlich mit einem Saab Update überschrieben haben, ich weiss immer noch nicht was die mit meinem Flieger gemacht hatten auf jedenfall war das Tuning weg . Ich rief Benno von Upsolute Schweiz an und erzählte ihm die traurigen Fact's. Er hat meinen Saab nocheinmal Getunt und zwar auf Kulanz, ich musste keinen Rappen Bezhlen obschon Upsolute nichts mit dieser Missere zu tun hatte und dass nenne ich Kundenorientiertheit PUR. Da könnte sich noch manch eine Firma eine dicke Scheibe von abschneiden....
Benno, nochmals vielen Dank für Die Gelungene Arbeit und deine Unendliche Geduld
gruss serge
Date of Posting: 28 January 2006
Posted By: Serge
, Switzerland
Just Upsoluted my 98 Jetta TDI (US spec). Holy CRAP!!! What a ride!!!
Date of Posting: 25 January 2006
Posted By: Chris
I´ve just UPsoluted my VW Golf 2.0 TDI with Oscar (Vagspeed) in Madrid. I´ve only made around 150 Km with the new configuration and it is awesome !!!
The car seems to be a different one. However, the are not much differences on the way the car gains speed/power. It is as confotable as the stock configuration but with more punch. It feels like you are in a lower gear when it starts to accelerate. Even on 6th gear, it has a lot of punch !!!
Thanks to Oscar, Vagspeed and UPsolute for this wonderful job done in my car.
Date of Posting: 14 January 2006
Posted By: drEgEn
Madrid, Spain
I finally got my Upsolute chip put in my car. Wow it makes a difference.
Also I want to thanks the MA Upsolute representative Scott for taking his time on this, he does a really great job He worked through every steps thoroughly, and really took great care of my ecu.

Date of Posting: 08 January 2006
Posted By: Sam
Scott Ramsey did a GREAT job! Very professional and a perfectionist with his work, which I know is rare to find. Will definately go to and recommend him again.
Very satisfied with the difference in performance, but still a bit apprehensive and concerned about new/additional stresses this might place on my engine. Time will ultimately be the best evaluation, but thus far I am extremely pleased. Feel free to use me as a reference.
Ed Suraci
Date of Posting: 16 December 2005
Posted By: Ed Suraci
West Bolston, MA USA
Im November 2005 habe ich meinen Renault Espace V6 3.0 DCI ( ca. 20.000 km ) bei der Fa. Upsolute in Teesdorf einem Chiptuning unterzogen. Die gesamte Abwicklung war sehr professionell und kundenfreundlich. Der Zeitaufwand ist bei diesem Model erheblich höher als bei anderen Fahrzeugen, was man bei der Terminplanung unbedingt einkalkulieren muss. Das Ergebnis dieser Modifizierung kann sich jedoch sehen lassen. Der Dieselverbrauch ist bei gleicher Fahrweise um ca. 1 Liter gesunken und die Beschleunigung und Durchzug absolut spürbar verbessert. Auch das Verhalten der Automatik hat sich auf keinen Fall verschlechtert. Eigentlich müsste man allein aus wirtschaftlichen und ökonomischen Gründen den Besuch der Fa. Upsolute empfehlen.
Vielen Dank an das Team Upsolute in Teesdorf !

Date of Posting: 20 November 2005
Posted By: Günter Rajnoch
Gmunden, OÖ Austria
Rij sinds mei 2005 met een Volvo V70 2.4T, deze laten chippen bij Evry; Upsolte Holland.
De auto was al snel, maar met de nieuwe chip is het een beest van een auto geworden. Goede tekst en uitleg gekregen van Evry. Een prettig adres om je auto te laten voorzien van meer vermogen.
Date of Posting: 03 November 2005
Posted By: Ger vd Wolf
Nederland, Nederland
Heb mijn VW T4 102pk TDI laten chippen bij Upsolute Holland, Evry Schuiling.
Ben er zeer over te spreken, meer vermogen onderin, en zuiniger in gebruik. Goed adres voor betrouwbare tuning.......
Date of Posting: 03 November 2005
Posted By: Jaap
Veendam, Nederland